The Lit, Choate’s student-produced literary magazine, is currently published three times each academic year. The magazine has been a school tradition under its current name since 1972, and under other names dating back to the early decades of both Choate and Rosemary Hall. The Lit showcases writing, art, and photography by students in all four grades. We invite you to subscribe and support our magazine at one of three levels of annual subscription. For more information, email Regular Subscription: every issue of The Lit mailed to you. Patron: every issue of The Lit and your name published in each issue. Benefactor: every issue of The Lit, your name published in each issue, and a thank you note from the entire Literati at the end of the year. The Lit thanks you for your generosity. Your support of our magazine is invaluable, as it allows us to maintain the quality of The Lit as a magazine that students can feel proud to be published in.
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